Archives for October 2010

October 25, 2010 - No Comments!

Shooting the last detail

We've managed to shoot the last missing detail for my short film before I'm taking off to New York. Stian Eriksen was so kind and offered to build the miniature plane. I've painted it in bright colors to set a contrast to the landscape.

Today, Stian, Øystein and I shot the plane in front of a green screen.

At first we tried hanging the plane on some silk threads but we soon switched to using the green wooden sticks that I had painted beforehand.

The shot of the plane will soon be combined with the miniature landscape.

October 11, 2010 - No Comments!


So, for the past few weeks I've been doing all sorts of  painstaking post production work. But, I came across this wonderful handmade kaleidoscope the other day. I've started taking pictures with it in front of the camera lens. I just had a look at my current film edit through the kaleidoscope. It looks something like this...

... and like this...

I wish I could somehow attach this kaleidoscope to the camera lens and re-film certain scenes...